Filtered Internet
Where many web filters simply block a list of bad websites, ours checks over the content coming back to make sure everything is above board. We also realize one filter won't work for everyone, and have options ranging from email only, to a list of allowed websites, to filters that block bad content and send back the rest.

Check out our options below for Windows, Android, Mac, and iOS.
Filtered internet is taken to a new level with eMyPeople.

SafeSentry Pro

It's powerful and popular. It's SafeSentry Pro!

SafeSentry Pro incorporates next-generation HTML scanning. This is a technical way of saying that the filter scans every word on every webpage to determine content, and based on that, determines whether to block or allow the page. With the dynamic nature of web pages, this is the best filtering method for you if your internet use crosses a broad spectrum of online content.

As you can see in the sliding image, SafeSentry Pro also does an excellent job of pruning the annoying and sometimes inappropriate product suggestions on a site like Amazon or Ebay. 

The filter is designed to be adjusted per device to fit your needs. SafeSentry Pro is also an excellent choice for church groups and businesses. Employers, parents, and school administrators can easily customize internet access to their own standard of safety. Choose from Cloud-based Filtering or an Onsite Appliance.


Safe Sentry Pro can be configured as a whitelist filter, where only a list of specific sites you choose are allowed, and our dynamic content filter still scans the content on changing sites.

Application Compatibility:

SafeSentry Pro works with Windows, Android, Mac, and iOS

Application Compatibility:

SafeSentry Pro works with Windows, Android, Mac, and iOS

Cloud Hosted SafeSentry Pro

Subscribe to our cloud-based SafeSentry Pro. This is the best option if you are an individual or business who only needs the filter on up to several devices.
$11.50/mo per device
with an additional multiple device discount

Safe Sentry Pro via Onsite Appliance

Our onsite appliance is an excellent choice for larger businesses or church groups. With the onsite appliance, the filter runs on your own equipment. If maximum throughput is critical to you, or if you have quite a few devices, this may be the best option for you.

Model 1000

$1100 one-time equipment cost
Additional $2.20 per non-local device

Model 2000

$2050 one-time equipment cost
Additional $2.20 per non-local device

Model 3000

$4750 one-time equipment cost
Additional $2.20 per non-local device
Customer Opinion

Just wanted to drop a note to say we appreciate your services. Thanks for taking the effects of technology seriously, and for trying to stay ahead of the game.

K. Schlabach

Now available on iOS!

Email Plus, Whitelist Access, & Basic Filter!

Did you know you no longer need to send your iOS device to us to get our filters installed?

A Filter for Everyone

Browse through our filters below, or call our friendly sales team to discuss what option would best fit the unique needs you have.
Total Lock
Total Lock blocks all internet access including updates and email. Internet access will be blocked in any applications. 

$50.00 one-time fee per device

Compatible with: Windows
Email Plus
Restrict your computer to only have access to email and non-internet apps. The filter blocks system updates. On Android, Email Plus includes weather and navigation apps.
Includes one email address. 

$4.00/mo (Multiple Device Discounts)

Compatible with: Windows, Android, Mac, iOS
Updates Access
With Updates Access, your computer will allow access to email, Windows OS updates and antivirus software updates. 
Includes one email address.

$7.50/mo (Multiple Device Discounts)

Compatible with: Windows
Whitelist Access
This filter will allow websites that you specifically choose. Sites on your whitelist must still pass through a content filter before their content reaches your computer.
Includes one email address.

$11.00/mo (Multiple Device Discounts).

Compatible with: Windows, Mac, iOS
Basic Filter
Basic Filter is a basic content filter to ensure safety on websites even when the site content changes frequently. This filter offers two access levels, and is not adjustable per customer. 
Includes one email address. 

$6.00/mo (Multiple Device Discounts)

Compatible with: Windows, Mac, iOS

Not sure which is right for you?

Contact our friendly sales team, and we will be happy to discuss the pros and cons of our different filters in relation to your unique needs.

We are open Monday - Friday, 8AM to 5PM Eastern Time.
FAX: 717.222.5552
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