Who Are We?

eMyPeople LLC was born in the year 2000 to provide safe internet solutions primarily for the conservative Anabaptist community. Based in Myerstown, Pennsylvania, eMyPeople offers customized access options and email-only access along with a variety of other content filters, mobile device filtering, and other safe internet solutions. eMyPeople staff work from eight different states in the US, and five other countries. eMyPeople's mission and focus is to be your partner in safe technology solutions.

Joseph Fisher started eMyPeople as a personal hobby and as a service for the Anabaptist churches. eMyPeople continued to expand, and in time, Duane Weaver joined the company and brought with him the filtered Internet service. Over the years, eMyPeople grew to be more than a hobby, and in May of 2007, Joseph sold his share of eMyPeople to Loren Strickler, Timothy Kreider, and Kirby Witmer. In 2011, eMyPeople purchased Agape Internet and owner Brad Hochstetler became the 5th partner. Kirby left shortly after the merger, and Nathanael Byler became a partner in 2017. Today, eMyPeople serves thousands of customers across a wide spectrum of Anabaptist settings and other communities.

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to be a trusted source for guidance while navigating the often complicated and diverse world of digital technology. We strive to provide the tools and solutions to enable doing life without compromising convictions and values - to be in the world, but not of the world.

Meet the Team

I am a husband, and father to 3 girls, and recently even made the grandfather level! I started Agape Internet years ago when Characterlink stopped offering dialup email accounts. As time went on eMyPeople ended up buying my customer base and I came on as a partner. My job title is currently Managing Partner which entails trying to catch loose ends and trying to determine what is most important at any given time. Very glad to have the team of great people to work with!!


I live in northeast Ohio with my dear wife Kathryn and our five children. I've had an interest in computers and technology ever since my father purchased his first PC when I was 10, and this eventually led to joining eMyPeople as a support tech in 2016. I no longer work in support from day to day but function as a consultant for the support team, oversee the billing, and am somewhat a jack of all trades in the company (and yes, probably a master of none). It's a privilege to work with the fine team here. By God's grace I want to do everything as unto Him and be a blessing to the customers we serve.


Hi, I'm Duane Weaver. My wife Ruth and I, and our 10 children live in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. I have been involved with eMyPeople at various levels over the last 20 years. Even though I am not currently actively involved in day to day operations, I have a deep desire to see the vision of eMyPeople accomplished. I also manage a retail garden center and I am deacon at Pilgrim Christian Fellowship, Stuarts Draft, VA.


I live in Pennsylvania with my wife and we are in the midst of raising the 9 children God has blessed us with. We are now finding that our family is starting to expand again - this time with grandchildren. My desire has been to help God’s people find ways to safely use technology. I have been involved with different aspects of eMyPeople since becoming a part of the business in 2007. Currently my primary responsibilities are accounting and some server maintenance. My time is also divided between deacon work at our local congregation, and a family lawn care business that we operate.


I am Timothy Kreider. My driving passion that God’s people find their way with proper use of technology has had me involved in eMyPeople since 2007. During that time I have worked all positions in the company. I am currently involved in systems administration and development. Growing up, the only vocation I remember my dad being in is computers. I followed suite and have been working with computers since early childhood. I enjoy the challenge of using tools technology provides to solve real world problems for customers and staff. Outside of business, I enjoy spending time with my darling wife Rebekah. We are blessed with 7 precious children, some of whom are also featured here. I pastor in a small congregation in New York city.


I am Joel Fox, from Central Pennsylvania, where I live with my wife and family. I have been a support tech for eMyPeople since 2018.


Hi, I am Caleb Weaver, and I live on a farm in the rainy, tropical zone of Costa Rica. I have been a support tech for eMyPeople since the fall of 2018.


Hi, I'm Craig Steiner! I live with my wife Becca and our two sons in Belize, Central America. I’ve invested twelve years of my life as a teacher, and enjoy reading, singing, and studying. Science fascinates our family, and we would love to take you on a nature hike, show you our butterfly collection, or let you marvel at Saturn through our telescope. Our Creator is amazing! In 2022, I joined eMyPeople as a part-time support tech. I also write for Christian Aid Ministries’ SALT program, and serve as deacon in our local brotherhood. A passion of mine is helping others, especially teachers, grow and develop their skills.



I grew up in Southern Illinois, and spent a number of years living in Guatemala. My main trade in the past has been construction/carpentry, plus spending time raising my children, and since spring of 2022, I work for eMyPeople. I reside in southern New Jersey with my wife and two children.


I'm Sammy McCaulou, and I live in Northern Florida with my wife and seven children. I have worked in the sales department since 2016.


Hi, I'm Timo Miller, and I live in all the places where I haven't died yet. My wife and family put up with me while I traipse all over the place fixing people's phones and computers. I've been a part of eMyPeople's team since 2017. A jack-of-all-trades, I have been a farmer, school teacher, pastor, editor, graphic designer, photographer, therapist, plumber, electrician, carpenter, tech... Bucket list still contains stuff like "Doctor" "Software developer" and "Pilot", plus a few more languages (I speak three fluently).


Married to my sweetheart Liz. We have 3 sons, 1 daughter in-law & 4 grandchildren! I enjoy visiting the intriguing culture of Tijuana, MX and the Pacific Coastline as opportunity permits. Do not believe anyone who claims I know everyone! I was born & raised in WI, lived a few years in MS, lived in PA almost 20 years, and since 2010 now live in the beautiful Willamette Valley of Western OR! I spent a fair share of my life staring through a windshield but needed to make a few changes when God started me on another journey! Call and I may answer! 2BLEST2BSTREST!


I am the oldest of 6 and live with my family in Ukraine, in a little village just south of Kiev, the capital. I joined the team in the beginning of 2023. Prior to my job here, I worked and studied a varied smattering of jobs, including web development, literature translation, working in a print shop, and typesetting songbooks. An interest of mine besides tech is music, both singing and composing it. It is my wish that we at eMyPeople could help our churches and the people of God in general to use technology responsibly, proactively, and to build the kingdom of God.


Hi, I'm Douglas Kreider. I currently live in Pensylvania, where I enjoy music and beekeeping when I'm not working on software projects for eMyPeople.


Hi there! I'm Ben Zimmerman. I live with my wife and two children in the hills of Central Kentucky. I was a support tech for eMyPeople for almost two years, and a salesman for one year, and I take care of marketing and design currently. I love to spend time with my children, and teach them to love their Maker. I have a graphic design and photography business also. See my website here: www.zimmerman.win


My family and I serve our King among the flat farming fields of central Ukraine. When not busy keeping the servers running, I enjoy traveling and spending time with my wife and 3 children. I started working for eMyPeople in July of 2021. My former occupations include: metal roofing sales and installation, concrete construction, interpreter, secretary, and general go - fetcher.


I live among the pine trees in eastern GA. I started working for eMypeople in 2016 as part time web reviewer for one of our internet filters. My work evolved to full time including receptionist. I answer phone calls, create support tickets, take payment for billing and answer simple email questions. I enjoy interacting with our customers.


Emailing the wireless overage notices and receiving payments are included in my share of the work, as well as answering billing questions and sending out notices of open invoices. This summer and last I have sent notices out to strengthen passwords. I reside close to Brickerville, PA. Usually once a month, I help to copy-edit church papers at Eastern Mennonite Publications.


I live on a farm in Costa Rica, Central America. Costa Rica is a very enjoyable place to live with its mountains, volcanoes,tropical Rainforest and much more. I started working for emypeople in August 2021. My work involves filter setups and part time receptionist. One of the things I enjoy apart from working for eMyPeople is traveling and getting to know other places and countries.


We are hiring!

Want a satisfying job? Join a global team making a difference for individuals, churches and businesses worldwide! Learn about our available positons.

Why eMyPeople?

Information technology is constantly evolving. It becomes crucial then, that along with those changes come competent tools that help us maximize the benefits of useful technologies while safeguarding our families, churches, and businesses from their dangers. Our goal at eMyPeople is to develop and provide such tools.

   As part of the plain Anabaptist community, we are in a position to understand the technological needs of Anabaptist groups across the globe. We offer a wide selection of internet filtering options, ranging from email only to custom whitelists and general content filters. The Windows and Android operating systems are the most broadly supported, and we also have solutions for Apple devices. Our SafeSentry Pro on-site internet filtering appliance is especially suitable for businesses and churches.

   The flip phones we sell are programmed with custom restrictions tailored to the needs of conservative Anabaptists or anyone who wants a phone focused on communication without the ability to browse the web. In addition to our standard email service, we offer email to fax, email to printer, and custom domain email hosting. The strength of our email data privacy and spam filtering is ahead of many widely-used free email providers. We never collect, use, or share our customers' personal data without their permission.

   We invite you to get in touch and find out more about what we have to offer. Let us be your partner in safe technology solutions!
FAX: 717.222.5552
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